Social Distancing?

Well first this picture has nothing to do with social distancing but my original plan for March was to take a trip to the beach. Since that’s cancelled I just wanted a picture to give us hope that summer won’t be cancelled either.

We all probably know what social distancing is but never have had to practice it. We know during flu season, stay away from sick people, wash your hand and sanitize but it was never to the extent of COVID-19. Honestly this is very new for everyone but remember everyone is going through similar positions for the first time EVER.

Although this does have its negatives, for me that is no hanging out on the weekends, eating at new restaurants or taking dance/workout classes. But as the first couple of days went on, I realized that this is the time I’ve always needed to get creative. There’s literally no distractions (unless you make them). I always wish I had more time in the day. Monday- Friday I’m at work 40hrs a week, then on the weekends I like to unwind on Saturdays, go to church on Sundays, then after get ready for the next week.

Since I am now working from home, I’ve had so much more free time to read, think of new blogging ideas, and ways to expand my personal and dance brand. Time is one of the reason I’m typing this blog today. The purpose of this blog is really to just encourage everyone to make something great out of this season. If your a believer we can pray all we want to get through this but what are we doing while walking through it? And honestly that was one of my biggest lessons of 2019.

I’m hoping were all practicing social distancing at this point, but how are you spending this “still” valuable time?

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