Self Talk

“Self Talk”. I know this is pretty straight forward but I don’t think people talk about this enough. The way you talk to yourself is directly related to your self confidence. Most of the time its not about what people say to you but what you continue to hold in your mind. You know that saying “living rent free in your mind”. Sometimes we have too much negative still living rent free in our minds and that’s where our “self talk” is coming from.

At one point in my life I realized that once I can become my best internal self I will then become my best external self. As I was trying to figure out why I was stuck mentally I realized that the way I talk to myself was the main reason for this feeling. Our self talk can be so negative whether its about our appearance, accomplishments, past/future, and anything else you can think of. And you can only live on the level you agree with yourself to be at.

The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.

Matthew 12:37 NLT

I believe changing the way you talk to yourself can be the start to being a better you. If this is something you’ve struggled with for a while this isn’t something you can sleep or even pray immediately away. This may be something you will have to control for the rest of your life but it gets better with training your mind.

Once you learn to train your mind you’ll learn to immediately reverse or even block certain thoughts before they come. There are many methods of doing this but the 2 most effective were writing down my thoughts and writing an affirmation over my life.

Every time you have a negative thought write it down, then compare it with what God says about you. Take what you believe God said about you, write it down in a paragraph or two and repeat this each morning or every time you hear that negative voice in your mind. This really help increase my confidence in every area of my life and I hope this helps on your journey of being a better you!

What are you speaking over your life?

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